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Even though the CLARE-Namibia project ended, the project has made a lasting impact-often only experienced at the end of the project cycle. This was and still is evident at the Niita Yiitula Junior secondary school in the northern part of Namibia that won the second prize during the project’s climate change school competition. The school principal Ms Victoria Nakale came up with an initiative to revive the school garden at the beginning of 2022 after being inspired by John Shekundja Combined school in Okalongo which won first place with their garden project. During April Fool's Day in 2022, the school planted 20 trees inspired by the motto: making April Fool's Day cool.

This year’s garden motto is #hungernostress. Volunteers from the surrounding area joined the learners and teachers in watering the school garden. Nuts and corn were harvested. The corn was sold for 5 Namibian dollars while the ground nuts were not sold but distributed among the learners and teachers who helped in the garden as a token of appreciation.

CLARE-Namibia continues to make strides, well beyond the project's closure!

Posted on May 20, 2022

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