The DRFN being a non-profit organization depends on funding from external sources to implement some of its activities.
If you wish to make a donation towards the work that the organization implements, please make use of these banking details.
For more information on this please contact:

Account number: 555 011 525 61
Branch: Maerua
Branch code: 282273
Swift code: FIRNNANX

To relocate from an area perceived as home for many years takes guts and determination but when it is fueled by a desperate need for water then the circumstances propels you.  The decision did not come easy considering moving away from friends, family and community, families had to split up to allow mothers to stay behind and take care of school going children and the elderly. The move also means regular footing back to Donkerbos to see family, attend meetings, catch up on latest news and access the mobile clinic health services or receive  monthly pension pay-out. Water is that important in Donkerbos, and in order to access this resource-is not as easy as it should be.

Employment is scarce in Donkerbos besides the local Government school which employees a few people from the community and the rest depend old age pension and other social grants, art and crafts income or  odd jobs on nearby farms.  Almost all the houses are built with natural materials available in the area except the roof which is covered with corrugated iron to keep out rain.  Bringing in building materials is very expensive and cumbersome even if you could afford to purchase and hire transport.

 The San communities depend on land for most of their needs such as wood, veld food or harvest of medicinal plants among others and they tend to take care of their land by taking only what is needed. They are aware of effects of careless cutting of trees therefore the right tree is carefully chosen, and a harvest permit is taken out to be inline with the Namibian law. A new small community from all over Donkerbos starts to form at the post, food is shared, and time spend around the fire is used to discuss ideas of how to make this a home. The move takes another year before the next stage of moving families and animals started. Things take time in Donkerbos.

Posted on Jun 27, 2019

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Disclaimer: The contents of the website are the sole responsibility of DRFN and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. This website was created with the support of the Hanns Seidel Foundation.