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ASSAR’s research has found that for people to stay, and thrive, in Namibia’s northern rural areas, government needs to find ways to better support rural communities so that they have various ways to maintain their livelihoods during times of drought. ASSAR’s research recommends the need for climate-smart agricultural methods, and the development of economic opportunities for livelihoods outside of agriculture. 

Importantly, rural communities in semi-arid regions need access to state support during drought but in a way that does not create a dependent relationship that leaves communities waiting for government to do something. When drought hits, subsistence farmers can weather the crisis better if they have more than just their land to depend on for food, or an alternative source of income. Many communities fare better in times of drought if they can rely on state support or a family member who sends wages back from work in an urban economy.

These findings formed the basis for the penultimate broadcast of ASSAR’s climate change radio show, which aired September 17, 2018.

The full article can be read here on the ASSAR web page.

Posted on Sep 24, 2018

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